sunset on the ocean

The BillWhitehouse.Com website operates in accordance with the Principle of No. Another way of giving expression to the spiritual orientation that is rooted in the 'Principle of No' is to bear witness (via my writings, actions, commitments, values, and beliefs) that: 'there is no reality but the truth'.


The foregoing principle or form of bearing witness requires me to declare the following: I am against violence -- that is, I say "No!!" to such acts -- irrespective of whether those activities are given expression through: religious fundamentalists (of whatever denomination) who seek to forcibly impose their beliefs on others; national security agencies; the killing of innocents (through whatever means); domestic abuse; compulsory educational systems; sexual exploitation; slavery; ethnic cleansing; tyrannical governmental agencies (whether in the United States or elsewhere); corporate pathology; techniques of undue influence; financial/banking injustices; censorship; military adventurism (via armies, militias, jihadists, mercenaries, and so-called 'freedom fighters'); unfair and unsafe labor practices; ecological destruction; police brutality; suicide bombings; processes of ideological control (e.g., propaganda and indoctrination); spiritual abuse; market manipulations; arbitrary legal and constitutional systems; intelligence agencies; political parties; torture (or 'enhanced interrogation'); unwarranted surveillance; extreme rendition; spying; assassination; drones; martial law; preemptive wars; congressional malfeasance; executive imperialism/dictatorship; inhumane prison conditions and treatment; as well as oppressive social/economic/religious/political majorities or minorities which results in the violation of basic human rights involving: truth, worship, speech, creed, assembly, health care, learning, shelter, food, privacy, movement, and sovereignty.


In my opinion, all of the foregoing forms of violence constitute expressions of terrorist-oriented practices, and this is true whether, or not, such expressions of violence are perpetrated by: nations, states, governmental agencies, organizations, banks, the judiciary, institutions, social groups, economic entities, international bodies, the media, military personnel, or individuals. Some years ago, Issac Asimov -- a writer and teacher -- indicated in one of his fictional works that: "Violence is the last refuge of incompetence." In other words, only people who are incompetent when it comes to issues of: truth, character, justice, sovereignty, integrity, and decency find a sense of refuge or solace in using violence to control and destroy the lives of other human beings


All the materials which are present in this website, as well as the books, videos, audios, and other materials which are available for purchase through this website, are all dedicated to resisting and standing in opposition to terrorism in whatever form the latter acts of violence assumes: Individual, national, institutional, organizational, militarily, economical, financial, social, educational, religious, spiritual, political, legal, medical, and otherwise. I seek to give aid and comfort only to truth, justice, basic human rights and sovereignty and not to any group or individual who seeks to impose violence and/or terror on others (e. g., explore the -- Queries -- section of this website).

(1) To access: "The Devil's Dictionary" pdf, please right click on the link below: 

The Devil's Dictionary, From A to Z

(2) To access the "Sham Rights Versus Real Rights" pdf, please right click on the link below: 

Sham Rights Versus Real Rights

(3) To access: "The Psinergist Guide" [a free pdf containing material (2600 pages, 225 MB) relavant to Biodigital Convergence (more than 200 articles and 100 images)], please right click on the link below: 

Psinergist Guide to Biodigital Convergence

(4) To access the following video, please click on the link below: (It might require time to buffer) 

Targeted Individuals -- a Video

Targeted Individuals -- A Presentation featuring Dr. Len Ber of Targeted Justice and Anab Whitehouse.


(5) To access the "Tractatus Technologicus" pdf, please right click on the link below: 

Tractatus Technologicus

(6) To access the "Climate Delusional Syndrome" pdf, please right click on the link below: 

Climate Delusional Syndrome: A Diagnostic Challenge

(7) To access: "The Sovereignty Project" pdf, please right click on the link below: 

Sovereignty Project - Updated

Copyright 2003-2024, 

Interrogative Imperative Institute, Brewer, Maine 04412