Cosmological Frontiers encompasses a critical investigaton into the frontiers of modern cosmology and touches upon such topics as: general relativity, black holes, dark eneregy, dark matter, redshift, and a variety of other related issues.
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The current volume explores a variety of topical themes within the general
field of cosmology such as: Dark matter, dark energy, black holes, theory of gravity, redshift, plasmas, cosmic
microwave background radiation, branes, the Big Bang theory, and the Steady State model. All of the foregoing
topics are critically examined against a backdrop that helps orient the discussion. However, that backdrop is
not always engaged in a direct manner. More specifically, most human beings wonder, in one way or another,
about the nature of reality ... that is, they seek to deal, as best they can, with the reality problem. The
Final Jeopardy challenge refers to the task of trying to work toward providing a final response to the reality
problem before the sands in the hourglass of time run out in a person's life. This volume is about critically reflecting on the nature of
science. In addition, this volume -- and this was true in conjunction with the other two volumes as well --
is an attempt to critically reflect on what various dimensions of science might have to offer in relation
to the aforementioned Final Jeopardy challenge.