In the Name
of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
[27.1] Ta
Sin! These are the verses of the Quran and the Book that makes (things) clear,
[27.2] A
guidance and good news for the believers,
[27.3] Who
keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, and of the hereafter, they are sure.
[27.4] As to
those who do not believe in the hereafter, We have surely made their deeds fair-seeming to
them, but they blindly wander on.
[27.5] These
are they who shall have an evil punishment, and in the hereafter they shall be the
greatest losers.
[27.6] And
most surely you are made to receive the Quran from the Wise, the Knowing God.
[27.7] When
Musa said to his family: Surely I see fire; I will bring to you from it some news, or I
will bring to you therefrom a burning fire brand so that you may warm yourselves.
[27.8] So
when he came to it a voice was uttered saying: Blessed is Whoever is in the fire and
whatever is about it; and glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds;
[27.9] O
Musa! surely I am Allah, the Mighty, the Wise;
[27.10] And
cast down your staff. So when he saw it in motion as if it were a serpent, he turned back
retreating and did not return: O Musa! fear not; surely the apostles shall not fear in My
Neither he who has been unjust, then he does good instead after evil, for surely I am the
Forgiving, the Merciful:
[27.12] And
enter your hand into the opening of your bosom, it shall come forth white without evil;
among nine signs to Firon and his people, surely they are a transgressing people.
[27.13] So
when Our clear signs came to them, they said: This is clear enchantment.
[27.14] And
they denied them unjustly and proudly while their soul had been convinced of them;
consider, then how was the end of the mischief-makers.
[27.15] And
certainly We gave knowledge to Dawood and Sulaiman, and they both said: Praise be to
Allah, Who has made us to excel many of His believing servants.
[27.16] And
Sulaiman was Dawood's heir, and he said: O men! we have been taught the language of birds,
and we have been given all things; most surely this is manifest grace.
[27.17] And
his hosts of the jinn and the men and the birds were gathered to him, and they were formed
into groups.
Until when they came to the valley of the Naml, a Namlite said: O Naml! enter your houses,
(that) Sulaiman and his hosts may not crush you while they do not know.
[27.19] So
he smiled, wondering at her word, and said: My Lord! grant me that I should be grateful
for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I should do good
such as Thou art pleased with, and make me enter, by Thy mercy, into Thy servants, the
good ones.
[27.20] And
he reviewed the birds, then said: How is it I see not the hoopoe or is it that he is of
the absentees?
[27.21] I
will most certainly punish him with a severe punishment, or kill him, or he shall bring to
me a clear plea.
[27.22] And
he tarried not long, then said: I comprehend that which you do not comprehend and I have
brought to you a sure information from Sheba.
Surely I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been given abundance and she has a
mighty throne:
[27.24] 1
found her and her people adoring the sun instead of Allah, and the Shaitan has made their
deeds fair-seeming to them and thus turned them from the way, so they do not go aright;
[27.25] That
they do not make obeisance to Allah, Who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and
the earth and knows what you hide and what you make manifest:
Allah, there is no god but He: He is the Lord of mighty power.
[27.27] He
said: We will see whether you have told the truth or whether you are of the liars:
[27.28] Take
this my letter and hand it over to them, then turn away from them and see what (answer)
they return.
[27.29] She
said: O chief! surely an honorable letter has been delivered to me;
Surely it is from Sulaiman, and surely it is in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the
Saying: exalt not yourselves against me and come to me in submission.
[27.32] She
said: O chiefs! give me advice respecting my affair: I never decide an affair until you
are in my presence.
[27.33] They
said: We are possessors of strength and possessors of mighty prowess, and the command is
yours, therefore see what you will command.
[27.34] She
said: Surely the kings, when they enter a town, ruin it and make the noblest of its people
to be low, and thus they (always) do;
[27.35] And
surely I am going to send a present to them, and shall wait to see what (answer) do the
messengers bring back.
[27.36] So
when he came to Sulaiman, he said: What! will you help me with wealth? But what Allah has
given me is better than what He has given you. Nay, you are exultant because of your
[27.37] Go
back to them, so we will most certainly come to them with hosts which they shall have no
power to oppose, and we will most certainly expel them there from in abasement, and they
shall be in a state of ignominy.
[27.38] He
said: O chiefs! which of you can bring to me her throne before they come to me in
[27.39] One
audacious among the jinn said: I will bring it to you before you rise up from your place;
and most surely I am strong (and) trusty for it.
[27.40] One
who had the knowledge of the Book said: I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye.
Then when he saw it settled beside him, he said: This is of the grace of my Lord that He
may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful; and whoever is grateful, he is grateful
only for his own soul, and whoever is ungrateful, then surely my Lord is Self-sufficient,
[27.41] He
said: Alter her throne for her, we will see whether she follows the right way or is of
those who do not go aright.
[27.42] So
when she came, it was said: Is your throne like this? She said: It is as it were the same,
and we were given the knowledge before it, and we were submissive.
[27.43] And
what she worshiped besides Allah prevented her, surely she was of an unbelieving people.
[27.44] It
was said to her: Enter the palace; but when she saw it she deemed it to be a great expanse
of water, and bared her legs. He said: Surely it is a palace made smooth with glass. She
said: My Lord! surely I have been unjust to myself, and I submit with Sulaiman to Allah,
the Lord of the worlds.
[27.45] And
certainly We sent to Samood their brother Salih, saying: Serve Allah; and lo! they became
two sects quarrelling with each other.
[27.46] He
said: O my people! why do you seek to hasten on the evil before the good? Why do you not
ask forgiveness of Allah so that you may be dealt with mercifully?
[27.47] They
said: We have met with ill luck on account of you and on account of those with you. He
said: The cause of your evil fortune is with Allah; nay, you are a people who are tried.
[27.48] And
there were in the city nine persons who made mischief in the land and did not act aright.
[27.49] They
said: Swear to each other by Allah that we will certainly make a sudden attack on him and
his family by night, then we will say to his heir: We did not witness the destruction of
his family, and we are most surely truthful.
[27.50] And
they planned a plan, and We planned a plan while they perceived not.
[27.51] See,
then, how was the end of their plan that We destroyed them and their people, all (of
[27.52] So
those are their houses fallen down because they were unjust, most surely there is a sign
in this for a people who know.
[27.53] And
We delivered those who believed and who guarded (against evil).
[27.54] And
(We sent) Lut, when he said to his people: What! do you commit indecency while you see?
What! do you indeed approach men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who
act ignorantly.
[27.56] But
the answer of his people was no other except that they said: Turn out Lut's followers from
your town; surely they are a people who would keep pure!
[27.57] But
We delivered him and his followers except his wife; We ordained her to be of those who
remained behind.
[27.58] And
We rained on them a rain, and evil was the rain of those who had been warned.
[27.59] Say:
Praise be to Allah and peace on His servants whom He has chosen: is Allah better, or what
they associate (with Him)?
[27.60] Nay,
He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you water from the cloud; then
We cause to grow thereby beautiful gardens; it is not possible for you that you should
make the trees thereof to grow. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! they are people who
[27.61] Or,
Who made the earth a resting place, and made in it rivers, and raised on it mountains and
placed between the two seas a barrier. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! most of them do not
[27.62] Or,
Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the evil, and He will
make you successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allah? Little is it that you mind!
[27.63] Or,
Who guides you in utter darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as good
news before His mercy. Is there a god with Allah? Exalted by Allah above what they
associate (with Him).
[27.64] Or,
Who originates the creation, then reproduces it and Who gives you sustenance from the
heaven and the earth. Is there a god With Allah? Say: Bring your proof if you are
[27.65] Say:
No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen but Allah; and they do not know when
they shall be raised.
[27.66] Nay,
their knowledge respecting the hereafter is slight and hasty; nay, they are in doubt about
it; nay, they are quite blind to it.
[27.67] And
those who disbelieve say: What! when we have become dust and our fathers (too), shall we
certainly be brought forth?
[27.68] We
have certainly been promised this, we and our fathers before; these are naught but stories
of the ancients.
[27.69] Say:
Travel in the earth, then see how was the end of the guilty.
[27.70] And
grieve not for them and be not distressed because of what they plan.
[27.71] And
they say: When will this threat come to pass, if you are truthful?
[27.72] Say:
Maybe there may have drawn near to you somewhat of that which you seek to hasten on.
[27.73] And
surely your Lord is the Lord of grace to men, but most of them are not grateful.
[27.74] And
most surely your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they manifest.
[27.75] And
there is nothing concealed in the heaven and the earth but it is in a clear book.
Surely this Quran declares to the children of Israel most of what they differ in.
[27.77] And
most surely it is a guidance and a mercy for the believers.
Surely your Lord will judge between them by his judgment, and He is the Mighty, the
Therefore rely on Allah; surely you are on the clear truth.
Surely you do not make the dead to hear, and you do not make the deaf to hear the call
when they go back retreating.
[27.81] Nor
can you be a guide to the blind out of their error; you cannot make to bear (any one)
except those who believe in Our communications, so they submit.
[27.82] And
when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a creature
from the earth that shall wound them, because people did not believe in Our
[27.83] And
on the day when We will gather from every nation a party from among those who rejected Our
communications, then they shall be formed into groups.
Until when they come, He will say: Did you reject My communications while you had no
comprehensive knowledge of them? Or what was it that you did?
[27.85] And
the word shall come to pass against them because they were unjust, so they shall not
[27.86] Do
they not consider that We have made the night that. they may rest therein, and the day to
give light? Most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe.
[27.87] And
on the day when the trumpet shall be blown, then those who are in the heavens and those
who are in the earth shall be terrified except such as Allah please, and all shall come to
him abased.
[27.88] And
you see the mountains, you think them to be solid, and they shall pass away as the passing
away of the cloud -- the handiwork of Allah Who has made every thing thoroughly; surely He
is Aware of what you do.
Whoever brings good, he shall have better than it; and they shall be secure from terror on
the day.
[27.90] And
whoever brings evil, these shall be thrown down on their faces into the fire; shall you be
rewarded (for) aught except what you did?
[27.91] I am
commanded only that I should serve the Lord of this city, Who has made it sacred, and His
are all things; and I am commanded that I should be of these who submit;
[27.92] And
that I should recite the Quran. Therefore whoever goes aright, he goes aright for
his own soul, and whoever goes astray, then say: I am only one of the warners.
[27.93] And
say: Praise be to Allah, He will show you His signs so that you shall recognize them; nor
is your Lord heedless of what you do.
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2021, Interrogative Imperative Institute