With English Translation and Accompanying Recitation

I have done my best to try to eliminate as many mistakes as possible with respect to the written facet of
the Quranic translation. However, whatever mistakes have survived my scrutiny, the responsibility is mine. I
ask forgiveness for such errors ... both from those who use theses pages as well as
from Allah.
This virtual written edition of the Qur'an is derived from a translation by M.H. Shakir. The recitation is
by: Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi and can be found by clicking on: Aswat al-Islam
-- where many other styles of recitation are available for downloading, as well as much more can be found through
that web site in the way of video and audio presentations. In addition, a donation to help keep their web site
running would be welcome. The graphic image of the Arabic calligraphy with the flower which is found in each surah
or chapter of this Quranic E-book originated from: Halal.Com Web Site.
There are differences between the written English and the spoken English portions of the recitations. The differences
in written and spoken English renderings of the Qur'an have been retained intentionally.
Keeping such differences helps to serve as a reminder that a translation is not the original. As a result, differences
in word usage and expression are noticeable from one translation to another ... differences that reflect alternative
ways of understanding and rendering the original revelation.
Moreover, there are nuances, subtleties, richness, and depth that cannot be properly conveyed through a translation.
Some of the differences in translation reflect the way the original richness and depth can be engaged in various ways,
leading to slightly different modes of understanding that are marked by the choice of words which are being used to give
expression to the original. However,such differences notwithstanding, most translations -- if they are well-done -- do give
expression to the surface meaning of what is conveyed through the Qur'an and, thereby, permit non-Arabic speakers to have
access to the general sense of what is being said in the Qur'an.
The following is a list of transliterated Arabic names with their approximate English counterparts.
Allah -- God
Adam -- Adam
Ayyub -- Job
Dawood -- David
Firon -- Pharaoh
Habeel -- Abel
Haroun -- Aaron
Ibrahim -- Abraham
Ilyas -- Elias
Imraan -- Amran
Injeel -- Gospel
Ishaaq -- Isaac
Ismail -- Ishmael
Isa -- Jesus
Jalut -- Goliath
Jibreel -- Gabriel
Qabeel -- Cain
Lut -- Lot
Majuj -- Magog
Marium -- Mary
Masjid -- Mosque
Mikaeel -- Michael
Misr -- Egypt
Musa -- Moses
Nasrani -- Christian
Nuh -- Noah
Qarun -- Korah
Saba -- Sheba
Sulaiman -- Solomon
Talut -- Saul
Taurat -- Torah
Uzair -- Ezra
Yahudi -- Jew
Yahya -- John the Baptist
Yajuj -- Gog
Yaqoub -- Jacob
Yunus -- Jonah
Yusuf -- Joseph
Zakariya -- Zacharias
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2019, Interrogative Imperative Institute