Synopsis of a Sufi's Search A Journey into the esoteric dimension of Islam
Choices and Description
This book consists of six sections which can be read in any order a person desires. Each of the sections of the book
provides a synoptic overview of my 50-plus year journey along the Sufi path but from slightly different orientations or perspectives.
The first section consists of a series of essays that explore some of the basic principles concerning the Sufi path that are rooted in my experience and the
kind of understanding which are emerged from those experiences. The second section provides a series of true-life vignettes that are drawn from the foregoing
50-plus years of engagement which are intended to offer an introduction to some of the teachings to which I have been exposed under a variety of circumstances.
The third section gives expression to a series of poetical sketches that touch upon different facts of my journey. The fourth section contains a series of
excerpts from the Qur'an which have helped to serve as forms of spiritual scaffolding that have lent support and direction to the on-going construction project
that constitutes my life.
The fifth section of the book covers a number of sayings that have been attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and which I have found to be
inspirational as well as conducive to enhancing remembrance concerning ideas that serve as quite valuable aids for navigating the turbulent waters of life.
Finally, the sixth, and final, section of the book is a meditative exercise, of sorts, concerning the first 60, or so, pages of a book written by David Icke
which is entitled: Everything You Need TO Know But Have Never Been Told, and which serves as a useful opportunity to pursue a degree of critical reflection
-- from a Sufi spiritual perspective -- in conjunction with an array of topics that appear in the foregoing book that deal with: Mind, consciousness, information,
quantum dynamics, holographs, time, space, and more.