sunset on the ocean

"Conspiracy" and Other 'C' Words - Part 3


Credibility: A document such as The 9/11 Commission Report which fails to include the testimony of, among others: Sibel Edmonds, Coleen Rowley, Kenneth Williams, and Robert Wright -- all of the FBI and all of whom had vital information about the events transpiring before, during, and following 9/11-- or a document which fails to include the testimony of David Schippers, William Rodriguez, Norman Mineta, Pierre Bunel, April Gallop, and Indira Singh -- all of whom had relevant testimony concerning the events leading up to and/or transpiring on 9/11, or, as well, a document which fails to include the testimony of Lt. Colonel Anthony Shafer or former Army Major Erik Kleinsmith (both of the Abel Danger project which had been gathering data relevant to terrorist cells in the United States) fundamentally undermines its own claims, and those of others on its behalf, concerning the issue of credibility. A document like The 9/11 Commission Report that fails to interview the FBI"s David Frasca, Mike Feghali, and M.F. "Spike" Bowman [all of whom seemed to play major roles in obstructing investigations into terrorist activity by other FBI agents both before and after 9/11], or a document which fails to interview Kevin Delaney of the Federal Aviation Administration who destroyed taped interviews concerning the events of 9/11 by five flight controllers who were on duty that day fundamentally undermines its own claims, along with those of others, to possessing credibility. A document like The 9/11 Commission Report that fails to investigate why thousands of tons of evidence in Manhattan pertinent to a criminal investigation had been destroyed undermines its own claims to, or the claims of others on its behalf, concerning credibility. A document like The 9/11 Commission Report which bases many of its pages on the testimony of captured individuals who endured torture such as water-boarding before giving "testimony" concerning 9/11 and who were not made available for questioning by the 9/11 Commission researchers does not deserve to be thought of with any sense of credibility concerning its findings. A document like The 9/11 Commission Report which completely fails to investigate what was behind the message received by the Secret Service on 9/11 which not only said that "Angel was next" ["Angel" being the code word for the President on 9/11] but gave substantial indication, as well, of having hacked into many of the top security codes of the government/military does not deserve to be considered a credible account of 9/11.


A document like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers which consumes some 10,000 pages and still cannot provide a plausible, coherent, consistent, rigorous explanation for why basic laws of physics -- such as the law of conservation of energy or the law of conservation of angular momentum -- can be violated and permit three supposedly pancaking buildings [namely World Trade Center 1, World Trade Center 2, and World Trade Center 7) to collapse in nearly free-fall time is not deserving of any sense of credibility. Quantity is no substitute for quality, accuracy, or evidence.


A document like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers that throws out experimental results because such data constitute problems for the specific theory that the scientists at NIST wish to support -- due to political and not scientific considerations -- is not deserving of any sense of credibility. A report like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers which fails to pursue, rigorously investigate, and report on the more than 118 witnesses (fire fighters, police officers, journalists, WTC employees, and medical personal) who claim to have been witnesses to explosions within the twin tower complex on 9/11 does not deserve to be considered as a credible document. A report like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers which claims that the perimeter columns in WTC Buildings 1 and 2 were pulled in toward the center of the buildings and this led to a progressive collapse of the buildings due to a failure in the floor assemblies in the buildings, despite the fact that Underwriters Laboratory proved that such floor assemblies would not have failed under the conditions existing on September 11, 2001, is not deserving of any sense of credibility. A document like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers which has no plausible, evidence-based, explanation for why, or how, Building 7 collapsed in nearly free-fall time -- despite the fact that the building had not been hit by an airplane, and despite the fact there is no empirical evidence of substantial fires having spread throughout the building, and despite the fact that no steel-framed building anywhere in the world had ever collapsed due to fire, despite evidence in a number of these cases that some buildings burned for as long as 17 hours without causing the structures to collapse -- is not deserving of being considered credible. A document like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers which has no explanation for why so much symmetry was present in the way the three World Trade Center buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001-- that is, pretty much straight down into its own "footprint" -- rather than in the sort of asymmetric manner one would have anticipated if the three buildings actually had collapsed as a result of the pancaking of floors whose assemblies, bolts and rivets are not likely to simultaneously have come apart -- such a report is not deserving of being considered credible. A document like NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Towers that completely ignores the obvious video data showing that World Trade Buildings 1 and 2 did not just collapse but, rather, exploded and disintegrated is not deserving of being considered credible.


A document like The Pentagon Performance Report that completely ignores the considerable evidence that explosions ripped through the Pentagon and were munitions-based, rather than jet-fuel based, is not deserving of being considered credible. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report which completely ignores the fact that many of the injured at the Pentagon suffered from the primary, secondary and tertiary effects of munitions-based explosions not jet-fuel explosions (which do not carry a shock wave that has concussive-properties) is not deserving of being considered credible. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report that completely ignores the testimony of April Gallop, an individual with top security clearance, who said that following the explosion, there were no fires and there was no plane wreckage despite the fact that she was 60 feet from where the plane supposedly entered the Pentagon is not deserving of being considered credible. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report which seeks to put forth an account that ignores the fact that -- due to aerodynamic properties such as "the ground effect", wing-tip vortices, and so on -- a 2000-ton commercial jet flying at speeds in excess of 500 miles per hour could not possibly have struck the ground floor as The Pentagon Performance Report claims -- such a report is not deserving of being considered a credible document. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report that cannot plausibly or adequately explain how the hole in the building"s C-Ring could have the characteristics and singe pattern it did is not deserving of being considered a credible document. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report that does not consider or discuss the fact that there are major contradictions among eye-witness testimonies concerning the flight path of the alleged jet which supposedly crashed into the Pentagon"s west facade -- contradictions which carry major ramifications concerning the tenability of The Pentagon Performance Report -- then, such a document is not deserving of being considered a credible report. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report which fails either to explore or provide an explanation as to why an array of battery-operated clocks in the west wing of the Pentagon stopped at 9:32-33 a.m. -- some five minutes prior to the time when the official time of a jet impact with the Pentagon allegedly took place -- such a document is not deserving of being considered a credible report. A document like The Pentagon Performance Report that fails to investigate the reports of trained, experienced military personnel that they smelled cordite after the explosion at the Pentagon and not jet fuel is not deserving of being considered a credible report.




Casualties: The count begins at around 3,000 individuals. This encompasses the approximate number of people who died on, or about, 9/11 due to the events at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.


However, many thousands more individuals will have to be added to the foregoing number. For example, there are an increasing number of people who are exhibiting symptoms from an array of debilitating, if not lethal, diseases that have arisen as a result of the numerous toxic substances released into the environment on 9/11 through the events at the World Trade Center. These substances include: asbestos, benzene, dioxins, cadmium, polycyclic aromatics, PCBs, lead from computers, mercury from florescent light bulbs, and Freon [which when vaporized becomes phosgene gas].


Many first responders -- such as firefighters, police, medical personnel -- as well as those involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero have already become seriously ill with diseases that can be linked to 9/11. An increasing number of individuals are dying from such diseases.


Some believe that in the not-to-distant future there will be epidemics in the greater New York area -- such as mesothelial cancer (related to asbestos) -- due to, among other things, the numerous kinds of carcinogens that were spread all across Manhattan and other parts of New York City on September 11, 2001. In fact, some medical professionals believe that the number of deaths resulting from environmental contamination on 9/11 will exceed the number of immediate casualties of 9/11 by one, or more, orders of magnitude.


To the foregoing must be added the more than 4,000 soldiers who have, to date, died in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the roughly 15,000 seriously wounded soldiers whose lives will never again be the same. One must also add in to the total the increasing number of suicides that are being committed by soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the epidemic of cases involving post-traumatic stress disorder that may have adverse, destructive ramifications for the individuals, their families, and their communities in the near future.


One must also add in to this running total the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis [and estimates run anywhere from 80,000 to 600,000) who have perished as the result of conflicts which are said to be the advanced front of the "war on terror". This is a war on terror that moved into high gear as a direct result of the way in which the events of 9/11 have been interpreted and propagandized by most of the media, government officials [both elected and unelected], and so-called educators.


There is, of course, terrorism in the world. For example, there are the amateur terrorists like al-Qaeda, and, then, there are the professional terrorists such as the United States government and all too many multi-national corporations.


It is a well-established fact that elements of the United States government established, funded, and supported the individuals who now are collectively referred to as al-Qaeda [even though, in reality there are a disparate set of independent individuals and groups which are included under this umbrella term]. In the beginning, what is now known as al-Qaeda was used against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and, now, what is referred to as al-Qaeda is being used as the raison d'tre for being in both Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as being in other geographical locations around the world.


Again and again the American public has been, and is being, told by the media, as well as government officials, that al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. Yet, the white paper which Colin Powell promised to make available to the United Nations which would prove such claims has never been released, and when the Taliban indicated that it was prepared to hand over ‘Usama bin-Laden to the U.S. if the latter would provide the Taliban with the evidence demonstrating bin-Laden"s involvement with 9/11, the United States had nothing to show them, and even Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, and Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI, both have said that there is no evidence to link ‘Usama bin-Laden with 9/11.


While there may (or may not) have been individuals who were linked, in some way, with al-Qaeda and who had roles to play with respect to 9/11, what also is becoming increasingly clear -- at least to all but the self-serving obtuseness of various dimensions of the media, government officials, and educators -- is that to whatever extent individuals associated with al-Qaeda may have been part of the tragedy of 9/11, those individuals received considerable financial, tactical, and strategic assistance from treasonous elements within the United States power elite. Former FBI agent Robert Hanssen, and former CIA agent Aldrich Ames, and former United States Naval civilian intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard all constitute recent exemplars indicating that some U.S. citizens are quite willing to betray their country and fellow citizens in order to serve their own treasonous agenda, Consequently, and most unfortunately, one is not broaching an unthinkable and impossible topic to argue that when the total body of available evidence concerning 9/11 is taken into consideration, there is an overwhelming portion of that evidence which strongly suggests there are traitors -- as of yet, unidentified in any definitive manner -- that are in our midst and who are responsible, in part or in whole, for the events of 9/11.


If such individuals are permitted to get away with 9/11, one can be sure of one thing. There will be more 9/11-like events, and these subsequent 9/11s will bring with them an unknown number of individuals -- both in the United States as well as in other parts of the world (for example, possibly in Iran and Pakistan) who will have to be added to the casualty list which began to be tabulated on September 11, 2001.


One might also want to add a few other items to the casualty list. For example, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, democracy, and America"s moral compass all have been casualties because of the way in which the events of 9/11 have been propagandized, and out of such institutional casualties much collateral damage to human beings is likely to ensue.




Corporatism: There can be little doubt that many corporations are complicit in helping to maintain the ascendant dominance of convenient fictions concerning the events of 9/11. These corporations range from: the media conglomerates which seek to ensure that disconcerting facts about 9/11 do not reach the ears, eyes, minds, hearts and souls of the American public, to: the defense contractors, oil companies, and private military contractors which are earning record profits all stemming from the fabrications, distortions, and untruths that have been promulgated concerning the actual facts surrounding 9/11. Such corporations also include many educational institutions of higher (and lower) learning that either fire individuals who wish to speak out on the issues surrounding 9/11 or that seek to muzzle/censor those who would speak out about such matters by failing to grant tenure to them or by trying to deride such individuals -- as Robert Gates sought to do in relation to Professor Emeritus Morgan Reynolds when the former individual was the President of Texas A & M prior to becoming Secretary of Defense.


All of the foregoing sorts of corporation have a vested interest in preventing representatives of the media, government officials (both elected and unelected), as well as professors and other educators from exploring the complex terrain of 9/11. All of the foregoing sorts of corporation seek to intimidate, bully, marginalize , isolate, contain, and/or penalize any threat to the status quo vis-ˆ-vis the "officially sanctioned" narrative concerning 9/11.


Corporations like the foregoing have polluted the landscape of American democracy. They have been permitted to do this by politicians, both elected and unelected, as well as a judiciary at all levels that has illegitimately conferred a legally enforceable status of "personhood" upon corporations.


The precedent for entitling corporations to be treated as persons allegedly stems from an 1886 Supreme Court decision between Santa Clara County and the Southern Pacific Railway. However, in point of fact, the Supreme Court decision in relation to that case did not confer "personhood" on corporations but explicitly excluded such matters from consideration despite the attempts of lawyers for the railroad to argue that corporations should be considered as people who had rights under, for example, the 14th Amendment.


Unfortunately, subsequent jurists have failed to differentiate -- conveniently so it would appear -- that there is a difference between the head notes that are written by the court reporter transcribing the proceedings (in this case, J. C. Bancroft Davis) which have absolutely no legal weight and may not even be true (and in this case the head notes were incorrect), and the actual body and content of the Supreme Court decision. It was the court reporter, J.C. Bancroft Davis, a former railroad executive, who added, entirely on his own, unrequested (??) initiative, that the case in question involved the fact that "The defendant Corporations are persons within the intent of the clause in section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which forbids a State to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." [see Volume 118 of the United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in The Supreme Court at October Term 1885 and October term 1886, published in New York in 1886 by Banks and Brothers Publishers and written by J.C. Bancroft Davis).


The Supreme Court did not rule in 1886 that Corporations are persons. Since that time however an egregious legal fiction has been established which has continued to permit corporations to be treated as if they were the equivalent of human beings and should have all rights attendant thereto -- which has led, in turn, to the undermining of a great many facets of democracy.


The events of 9/11 are like the 1886 case between Santa Clara County and the Southern Pacific Railroad. The truths of these respective matters have been replaced by fictions that serve vested and well-entrenched interests.




There are a lot of other c-words that come to mind with respect to the events of 9/11 and especially in relation to the manner in which the power elite is complicit in helping to perpetuate myths, fictions and false narratives concerning those events. For example, criminal, cynical, comatose, corrosive, churlish, conceited, childish, closed-minded, callous, craven, crude, cold-hearted, careless, cavalier, confused, creepy, crazy, controlling, catastrophic, cruel, catatonic, cancerous, connivance, counterfeit, cupidity, and callow are all appropriate terms to apply to what the power elite among the media, government officials (both elected and unelected) and educational institutions is, and has been doing, in relation to 9/11.


However, based on what already has been said in the previous pages with respect to the more lengthy c-entries, readers will, I believe, be able to intuit the drift of where my commentary might go in conjunction with such additional c-entries. Consequently, I will leave you with one final unelaborated c-entry with respect to my feelings about whatever the power elite may have to say in response to the foregoing material: caveat emptor -- let the buyer beware -- a term which should have guided the thoughts of many individuals before, during, and after the events of 9/11.


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