Video 20

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-20

Max Igan, from Australia, explores various aspects of the "New Normal" in a COVID-19 dominated world. One of the interesting points that emerges during his reflections on the "present" state of things (and the program being featured here aired three, or so, months ago) is that some of the new technology being depicted during his program features capabilities such as proximity detection that, one might presume, had to be in the process of development many months, if not years, prior to the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Do such technological advancements merely constitute a serendipitous expression of entrepreneurial spirit that, quite coincidentally, emerged on the scene at just the right time, or are such technological advancements an indication that at least some technocrats have been actively preparing for a "coming storm" for quite some time?

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