Video 22

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-22

Two medical practioners from California -- namely, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi -- held a press conference concerning their experience with, and understanding of, the COVID-19 issue. Although the two doctors are operating out of what has been the dominant medical paradigm since the late 1800s, nonetheless, they ran afoul of official governmental and medical powers because the two doctors were pointing out a variety of problems with the lockdown, social distancing, and mask-wearing facets of the public health policies that are being arbitrarily, forcibly,and unconstitutionally imposed on Americans across the country. The video of the press conference first went viral, and, then, was banned by YouTube. One wonders how something that went viral can possibly violate the community standards of YouTube since the very fact that the video initially went viral indicates that many people in the communicty wanted to see the video and did not want it banned, so, one wonders how YouTube is establishing its claim that the video violated community standards? Which community standards are those, and what is the justification for such standards, and do people who view such videos really agree to those sorts of standards or are those "standards" merely being arbitrarily imposed by the authorities at YouTube in order to serve someone else's -- or their own -- ideological, political, and economic agendas?

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Copyright 2003-2021, Interrogative Imperative Institute, Brewer, Maine, 04412. None of the material in the Queries section of this website, nor elsewhere in other sections of this website, is intended to serve as a form of diagnosis, prescription, treatment, or prognosis in relation to any physical, emotional, or psychological pathologies which might, or might not, be present in a given individual. If one is seeking medical advice, then, one should consult with a competent, medical practitioner or institution that one trusts. In addition, nothing in the present Queries section, nor elsewhere in this website, is intended to serve as, or provide visitors with, legal counsel of any kind.