Video 24

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-24

The interview that takes place in the video below involves investigative journalist Abbey Martin of RT television and her guest, Robbie Martin, who is both her brother and a documentarian. The discussion focuses on a video made by Robbie nearly ten years ago that is entitled 'American Anthrax'. His expose explores some of the issues surrounding the mysterious anthrax "attack" that took place shortly after 9/11 ... a series of events that is often lost amidst the dust of the latter event. The fact of the matter is, the so-called COVID-19 pandemic is merely the latest episode in a long list of similar events that have been foisted on the American people during the last four decades and made to appear as something that they are not (i.e., natural problems as opposed to invented problems) ... similar questions tend to arise with respect to the 2001 anthrax event, together with the HIV, Hong Kong Flu, SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, H1N1, Zika, and Ebola fiascoes, plus, currently, the COVID-19 narrative. The one major difference between all of the previous scenarios being alluded to above and the COVID-19 crisis is that the people who are responsible for perpetrating these psy-ops on the American people have been able to leverage the present crisis into a complete economnic, financial, medical, social, political, and constitutional shut down of not only the United States but many other countries around the world as well. The critical reflection process in which Robbie Martin engages when speaking about his documentary concerning the so-called "anthrax attack" also needs to be applied to the current COVID-19 official narrative.

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