Video 38

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-38

Amazing Polly is the name of a vlogcast created by a Canadain woman who has been putting up videos on YouTube for a number of years. I came across her commentaries approximately four, or so, months ago.

For the most part (and there are quite a few reservations that I have about her earlier work, especially in relation to, among other topics, the whole Q-Anon phenomenon with which she appears to have been consumed before she seemed to hit her stride in the last 6 months, or so), I like, appreciate, and respect most of the reports she has been making throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Indeed, during that time frame she has proven herself, again and again, to be not only a first-class investigative journalist but, as well, an individual who has a substantial capacity to be able to exercise critical, insightful discernment with respect to a variety of issues (her background seems to involve, among other things, studies of a psychological nature) and, most notably, in conjunction with the COVID-19 issue.

While she is someone who seems to operate out of a somewhat conservative, Christian perspective, and, as a result, I don't necessarily agree wih some of the political (I am neither a liberal nor a progressive) and religious views to which she, sometimes, alludes [and I should note -- lest some people misunderstand what is being said here -- that as a Muslim I believe in, and have love for, Jesus (peace be upon him) but I just don't believe in Jesus (peace be upon him) in the way that some Christians do, and since I have never talked with the womann behind Amazing Polly, I don't know where we might agree or disagree on such topics]. Nevertheless, there is more than enough of an overlap of values that are shared by the two of us with respect to our respective concerns for the welfare of humanity that I feel quite comfortable in recommending a fair anount of the content that she has produced in relation to the COVID-19 crisis and, therefore, am of the opinion that other individuals might benefit from her research in that regard, as well, if they listened to, and reflected on, what she is saying.

In the following video, Amazing Polly provides an overview of a variety of issues, ranging from: The dimension of torture that is present in the official government and medical response to the COVID-19 crisis, to: The manner in which everyone is being made into a patient irrespective of whether, or not, they are sick. She, then, proceeds to read from, and comments on, an article written by Sam Vaknin, an Israeli researcher and writer, that deals with, among other things, the destructive impact that torture and the process of labelling someone as being "ill" have on those who are subjected to torture or who are being treated as being ill when they are not, and, then, Amazing Polly shows how such information can be applied to the impact that the official government and medical response to the COVID-19 issue is having upon those (namely, the general public) who are being tortured as well as being treated as ill when they are not.

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