Videos of Potential Relevance
Brief Introduction to Video-21
This video features a relatively brief interview with Dr. Simone Gold who recently was fired from her position as Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, California. Apparently the firing took place because of her participation in a public gathering ouside of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C., along with a number of other physicians who all were (are) members of a group called America's Frontine Doctors that had been founded by Dr. Gold. Among other things, the doctors were giving voice to their reported successes in treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxycloroquine. One day later, the group's website was taken down by its service provider, and, shortly thereafter, a new web site emerged with the name (rather than .com as had been the case with the web site that was taken down). The new web site contained CDC approved information concerning treatment with respect to COVID-19. Why do so many government and medical officials seem to feel extremely threatened by the prospect of an open, rigorous, informed discussion concerning different kinds of non-vaccine-oriented treatments in conjunction with COVID-19? Why are certain individuals pushing so hard for a mandatory vaccine for which pharmaceutical companies are being absolved from all liability despite the fact that the vaccine is not being developed or tested in a manner that will guarantee its effectiveness or the safety of those who might be forced to take it?
Menu For Queries Videos
- Gaslighting
- Dr Carrie Madej
- Celeste Solum
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 1
- Pastor Dana Coverstone
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Dr. Knut Wittkowski - Part 1
- Dr. Knut Wittkowski - Part 2
- Nurse Erin Olszewski - Part 1
- Nurse Nicole Sirotek
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 2
- Dr. Zack Bush
- Leigh Dundas, Lawyer
- Dr. Ted Noel
- PCR Issue
- Spiro Skouras
- Michel Chossudovsky and Peter Koenig
- New York Death Spike
- Dr. Annie Bukacek
- Contact Tracing
- Max Igan
- Dr Simone Gold
- Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi
- Sayer Ji
- Robbie Martin - Anthrax Issue
- Government Over-reaction
- Mandatory Vaccines
- Nurse Erin Olszewski - Part 2
- Bill Gates - Part 1
- Bill Gates - Part 2
- Twelve Monkeys
- Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory
- Dr. Thomas Cowan
- Electromagnetic Toxicity
- Technocracy
- Jon Rapporport and Catherine Austin Fitts
- Digital ID
- Douglas Valentine
- Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome
- Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell
- Sweden
- David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 3
- Dr. Reiner Fuellmich