Video 35

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-35

Jon Rappoport, an investigative journalist, who, among other things, has been exposing junk science within the medical arena for more than thirty years (e.g., consider his 1988 book, AIDS Inc) joins Catherine Austin Fitts on Catherine is the editor of the Solari Report and under Bush 1 she served as Assitant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, while, currently, she is an advisor who focuses on developing financial portfolios and investment strategies.

The "video" (which is actually an audio with a static image) took place on April 17, 2020 and constitutes Part 4 of a six part series entitled: The Creation of A False Epidemic, and all six episodes are highly recommended. Among the topics explored during the following video are: The cooking of the COVID-19 death statistics; financial incentives surrounding COVID-19 death statistics; targeted individuals; unemployment as a health crisis; supply chain problems; are U.S. governors following the dictates of foreign agents; covert operations; the issue of choice; the significance of county sherrifs; the purchasing of science and scientists; the World Economic Forum; smart quarantines; Dyncorp and sex slave trafficking; Bill Gates; DNA vaccines and gene therapy; Netanyahu; the Beck Brothers, and pod people.

During the following discussion the two individuals also talked about what they considered to be the significance and possible promise of the protests that were beginning to take place at that time -- namely, April 17, 2020. Yet, unfortunately, almost four months have passed since the following interview took place, and, the American people still do not seem to have sufficiently disentangled themselves from the existential fog into which they have been induced by the architects of the COVID-19 psy-op and, therefore, do not, yet, seem to understand that a coup is taking place and that many governors -- along with various federal authorities (such as, but not limited to, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx) -- appear to be knowingly, or unknowingly, aiding and abetting that coup and, if this is the case, then those so-called leaders are betraying the American people. Those self-absorbed leaders who seem to be living in their own bubble world are either totally incompetent, playing the role of ignorant -- and, therefore, useful -- idiots, or they are totally duplicitous ... irrespective of which of the foregoing possibilities might be the case, such officials appear to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.

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