Videos of Potential Relevance
Brief Introduction to Video-36
The next video is a creation of David Dubyne of Adapt 2030. Here is a list of issues --
the new vocabulary of control -- that David touches upon during this well-done presentation: ID 2020, Digital ID for Everyone;
immunity passports (Covi-Pass); COVID Credentials Initiative (CCCI) - Verifiable Credentials Project; Blockchain Digital Identity
Alliance; Trustover IP (ToIP) Foundation; Electronic Travel Authorization Platforms; Self-Sovereign Identity Group; Decentralized
Identifiers (DIDs), Interoperative Overlays; Digital Guardianship; Sovrin I4A - Identity For All Council; VCODE; RFID chips;
Trusted Digital Asset Services; Decentralized Digital Identity; Biometrics; Accenture, Microsoft, Oracle, and Evernym; QR Codes;
barcodes; Digital Wallet; Remote Employment Credentials; Portable Digital Identity; Decentralized Semantics; Interchangeability
Standards; Interoperability Standards; Trust Over IP Technology; Trust Eco-System; Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF);
Verifiable Organizational Network (VON); Digital Identity and Authentication Council; Guardian Agents; Distributed Ledger
Identification System, and Universal Registrar.
The foregoing items are not something that, for the most part, governments, per se,
are pushing to achieve, but governments have created the corporate-friendly legislative and legal framework which has made, is making,
and will continue to make (if permitted to do so) all of the foregoing ideas possible. The entire system of digital identification and authentication is all being done independently of government
and will be used to lock people into a digital identity system in which human beings will become nothing more than commodities that are
to be processed, identified, controlled, used, or discarded to serve corporate, technocratic purposes.
Menu For Queries Videos
- Gaslighting
- Dr Carrie Madej
- Celeste Solum
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 1
- Pastor Dana Coverstone
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Dr. Knut Wittkowski - Part 1
- Dr. Knut Wittkowski - Part 2
- Nurse Erin Olszewski - Part 1
- Nurse Nicole Sirotek
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 2
- Dr. Zack Bush
- Leigh Dundas, Lawyer
- Dr. Ted Noel
- PCR Issue
- Spiro Skouras
- Michel Chossudovsky and Peter Koenig
- New York Death Spike
- Dr. Annie Bukacek
- Contact Tracing
- Max Igan
- Dr Simone Gold
- Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi
- Sayer Ji
- Robbie Martin - Anthrax Issue
- Government Over-reaction
- Mandatory Vaccines
- Nurse Erin Olszewski - Part 2
- Bill Gates - Part 1
- Bill Gates - Part 2
- Twelve Monkeys
- Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory
- Dr. Thomas Cowan
- Electromagnetic Toxicity
- Technocracy
- Jon Rapporport and Catherine Austin Fitts
- Digital ID
- Douglas Valentine
- Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome
- Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell
- Sweden
- David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman - 3
- Dr. Reiner Fuellmich