Video 4

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-4

This is the testimony of a Pastor Dana Coverstone. I think he lives in Kentucky or, possibly, Tennessee. I like the way in which he says that he is not a prophet but, nonetheless, also states that dreams can be veridical or prophetic. Of course, not every dream is necessarily prophetic and, in addition, we can be induced to dream certain kinds of things either through auto-suggestion or through the presence of deceptive forces.

I believe him to be a sincere man, but sincerity does not necessarily guarantee that his dreams are true ... something that the Pastor, himself, seems quite prepared to acknowledge. I am including this in the sequence of videos because it is both consistent with, as well as independent of, the first three videos.

I cannot tell you whether what he says is true or not. However, the fact that the first of his three dreams seems to have been realized (and he claims that this can be verified) might suggest that there could be something to the other two dreams that he had (but possibly not) ... something to ponder on.

Whoever posted this video has, I believe, added some written commentary at certain points in the video which I found somewhat distracting and unnecessary. Nonetheless, I do not feel the added commentary undermines or adversely affects the Pastor's testimony.

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